Overview of the project
Gibela will also supply spare parts and provide maintenance and technical support on the coaches over a period spanning 19 years.

Our trains
The X’Trapolis Mega is a South African first.
These state-of-the-art trains have been developed to accommodate South Africa’s 1.067m gauge rail tracks. The X’trapolis Megas – each 131m long and weighing 220 tonnes – are already in service in some parts of the country.

Technical support and spares supply agreement
In addition to its contract with the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa for the supply of 600 new commuter trains over a 10 year period, Gibela has a 19-year technical support and spares supply agreement (TSSSA) with the agency.

The factory
Gibela’s R1-billion combined manufacturing facility and corporate office occupy a site covering more than 70 hectares in Dunnottar, Ekurhuleni, 50km east of Johannesburg.
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Manufacturing and testing
Gibela has implemented a lean manufacturing process – essentially minimising wastage – and applied cutting-edge technologies – many of them firsts in the global rail industry.
Our progress
More than a million kilometres of cumulative mileage have been reached since the start of the trains’ commercial operations in Pretoria North.